I have a direct action that crashes and I cannot catch the exception. Why?
* dummy to demonstrate the issue
public class DirectAction extends ERD2WDirectAction {
public WOActionResults crashAction() throws Exception {
throw new Exception("Crash in DirectAction");
Where can I catch this Exception? It does not trigger anything in Application (which extends ERXApplication)
Both handle...() methods do not respond.
public WOResponse handleActionRequestError(WORequest aRequest, Exception exception, String reason,
WORequestHandler aHandler, String actionClassName, String actionName, Class actionClass,
WOAction actionInstance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.handleActionRequestError(aRequest, exception, reason, aHandler, actionClassName, actionName, actionClass,
public WOResponse handleException(Exception anException, WOContext aContext)
super.handleException(anException, aContext);
The result of the crash is er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WMessagePageTemplate being rendered with my PageWrapper.
As there is (I assume) not much D2W involved here how do I trap this error and handle it my way? What am I missing?
Thanks for any idea
Markus Ruggiero
4051 Basel / Switzerland mobile +41 79 508 4701