When I transfer to a payment page but this page sees that there is no payment to be collected I want to directly jump further to the Thank You page. Everything is component action, everything happens inside a session.
In my .wo, inside a WOConditional that triggers when there is no payment needed
<webobject name = "noPaymentRequested"> <p>No payment required at the moment<br /></p> <webobject name = "automaticallyContinue" /> </webobject name = "noPaymentRequested”>
<webobject name = "includePayment"> <webobject name = "paymentPanel" /> </webobject name = "includePayment">
with the binding
automaticallyContinue : ERXRedirect { component = thankYouPage; }
In my java:
public WOComponent thankYouPage() {
invoiceRemoteRequest.setStatus(E_RemoteRequestStatus.DONE); EOEditingContext ec = invoiceRemoteRequest.editingContext(); ec.saveChanges();
RemoteActionThankYouPage nextPage = pageWithName(RemoteActionThankYouPage.class); nextPage.setInvoiceRemoteRequest(invoiceRemoteRequest); return nextPage; }
And the result:
<com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$UnknownKeyException message '[<er.extensions.appserver.ERXRedirect name: er.extensions.appserver.ERXRedirect subcomponents: null > valueForKey()]: lookup of unknown key: 'component'. The WOComponent er.extensions.appserver.ERXRedirect does not have an instance variable of the name component or _component, nor a method of the name component, _component, getComponent, or _getComponent' object '<er.extensions.appserver.ERXRedirect name: er.extensions.appserver.ERXRedirect subcomponents: null >' key 'component'>
Calling the setter is ok, but why is it trying to call a getter? What am I missing here?
Thanks a lot ---markus---
Markus Ruggiero
4051 Basel / Switzerland mobile +41 79 508 4701