you might want to check the Apache/adaptor logs for the bloody Google bot: unless switched off by proper robots.txt, the darned thing tends to try URLs containing stale session IDs all the time, creating so thousands of sessions and running apps outta memory fast. We bumped into this very problem a couple of times. Would be much better if Google made their crawler strictly opt-in, but hell, it's Google — we can consider ourselves lucky they have at least the basic decency to check robots.txt :(
All the best,
We are running the same application code in a handful of instances. Each instance is dedicated to one customer. There are only some very small differences between the instances like db credentials and some webserver resources (customer specific logo etc). One customer is driving their dedicated instance regularly into java memory exhaustion, all others have no problem. This particular customer is using one screen more than other customers do. This screen has a couple Ajax components, but as far as I can tell nothing too fancy. In WOMonitor we can see that the Running Session count at the bottom right of the details display goes up like crazy. Within hours the count can reach 1500+. I started to trace all Session creation (Thread.dumpStack() in Session constructor) but as expected there was exactly one session being created at login, then none more.
What the heck is going on here? What does WOMonitor display here? Obviously must be something other than just session creation. Could this be an Ajax issue? Where would you start? We upped the JVM memory to 2G to survive the day and have more instances for that particular customer running.
Btw: how do you go into WOStatistics? Setting a statistics password in WOMonitor did not help, the direct action always comes back with a browser error (Safari can’t open the page bla bla bla). I seem the miss something here.
Thanks for any help
Markus Ruggiero
4051 Basel / Switzerland mobile +41 79 508 4701