On 12 May 2024, at 8:59, Markus Ruggiero (rucotec) wrote:
> I can put the comments into _MyClass.java and MyClass.java. Once EOGen has run there will not be any updates to MyClass.java anymore. What if I update the documentation? The updated doc goes into the regenerated _MyClass.java but is NOT reflected in MyClass.java. The javadoc {@inheritDoc} only works for stuff _inside_ the class definition but not for the class documentation itself.
> Do you know of any way to make hovering over MyClass in Eclipse show the combined javadoc from _MyClass and MyClass?
> The conceptual documentation of an entity clearly goes into _MyClass and additional implementation specific documentation should go into MyClass. But often I need to see the conceptual documentation of MyClass. Of course I can command-click MyClass to open MyClass.java where I can hover over the super class and see the doc but this “messes up my mental editing context” and I lose track where I was and where to go back to.
> Any idea?
I would open the conceptual documentation either as javadoc generated API page in a browser, or in the javadoc view in Eclipse. For example, open the javadoc for _MyClass with F2, then click on the @-Symbol to open the javadoc view (and disable the automatic linking between selection and javadoc view).
> ---markus---
>> Markus Ruggiero (rucotec) schrieb am 11. May 2024, um 14:54 Uhr:
>> When creating documentation for an entity in the Documentation tab in EntityModeler the resulting doc is put into the userInfo dictionary. How can I access this with EOGenerator?
>> userInfo = {
>> "_EntityModeler" = {
>> documentation = "doc for EMRTreatmentStep\n<ul>\n\t<li>a list entry</li>\n</ul>";
>> };
>> };
>> Tried different KV-paths in the template file but failed whenever I explicitly used the key “_EntityModeler” with/out “_”, with/out capital “E”. Using “_” results in a syntax error during generation.
>> Accessing the user info dict itself works
>> Using
>> ${entity.userInfo}
>> results in
>> {_EntityModeler={documentation=doc for EMRTreatmentStep
>> <ul>
>> <li>a list entry</li>
>> </ul>}}
>> Which is great so far but two key too high in the key path.
>> However going deeper only dumps the given path itself into the result
>> ${entity.userInfo.entityModeler}
>> results in
>> ${entity.userInfo.entityModeler}
>> I expect this to result in something like
>> {documentation=doc for EMRTreatmentStep
>> <ul>
>> <li>a list entry</li>
>> </ul>}
>> Seems like EOGenerator explicitly ignores the key “_EntityModeler”
>> I can put my own javaDoc key into the user info dict, this works, but the text input field in WOLips EntityModeler is way too small in the userInfo editor.
>> What is the documentation good for if I cannot access it?
>> Any ideas?