Mailing List Message #520
From: Xavier (WO) <>
Subject: Re: [WO-DEV] Searching for infos about install
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:19:04 +0200
To: WebObjects & WOnder Development <>
Hello Markus, Daniel and everyone out there:)

I had to switch to a new machine from scratch too.
I’ve tried various installation method and was able to get some things up, but I can’t make anything to actually run…
I’m using Eclipse version 4.31 (I’m on Java 11 (Temurin) for the project I need to maintain), with WOLips 4.10
I have some issue with WOLips/Eclipse with the related panel:
Plug-in "org.objectstyle.wolips.ui" was unable to instantiate class "org.objectstyle.wolips.ui.view.RelatedView”.
But that’s really not the biggest issue

The main issue is that when I try to run the project (or even a brand new when created just for testing), with Run As WOApplication, I get:
Error: Could not find or load main class
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Even if I try to launch by selecting the Application class first.

Any idea about what I’m missing?
Daniel were you able to get you new machine working from scratch?

Thanks for your help


On 14 May 2024, at 11:44, Markus Ruggiero (rucotec) <> wrote: has install instructions that should still be valid. The first chapters about setting up a dev env are free to download.

Please come back if you have any specific questions. I’ll attach WOInstaller.jar plus a quick install guide (hope they make it through the list server)

Disclosure: I am the author of the book “Learning the Wonders”

Have fun

On 13 May 2024, at 23:48, Daniel Bietenbeck <> wrote:

Hi there,

my old development machine died and i can't install the TimeMachine backup my new machine.

The wocommunity Website/Wiki seems like its down or is there something I missed?
The only WOInstaller.jar I found isn't working and I doubt that I am just too stupid ;-)

Is there anyone who has an idea how I install  WO 5.4.3 with WOnder on Sonoma?

Kind regards
Daniel Bietenbeck

Markus Ruggiero

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