I moved a server to a VMWare Centos 7 and JavaMonitor is no longer able to stop instances.
To enable mod_webobjects to works, I had to issue this command in this server:
sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
JavaMonitor is able to start instances but cannot stop them and I cannot find evidence
I see some message like this in the wotakdd log file..
2021-02-25 13:28:42,531 DEBUG 28.92 MB/91.14 MB [WorkerThread5] logging.ERXNSLogLog4jBridge (ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:47) - @@@@@ monitorRequestAction returning response to Monitor
JavaMonitor does not display statistics, I suspect it is not able to communicate with the instance.
Is there some security that may block this ?