Mailing List Message #272
From: Walter Lo Nigro <>
Subject: Custom WOComponent "not seeing" D2W entity attributes in Inspect page
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2021 17:23:17 +0200
To: WebObjects & WOnder Development <>
Signed Data (Text SHA1)
Dear Listers,

Another (probably stupid) question for you…

In my D2W Wonder app I have an entity ‘Registro’ and set the InspectRegistro page to display a userPresentableDescription attribute. I have created a custom WOComponent called ‘RegistroDocente’ to display this attribute, basically extending AjaxGrid. I have obviusly set the relevant rule in d2w.d2wmodel and so far so good but...

I have also defined some fetch specifications in my EOModeler which use some $variables, and here’s the problem: I cannot find a way to get the RegistroDocente component to get hold of attributes in entity Registro, and I need them to get the fetch specifications working.

Am I supposed to bind these attributes/variables somewhere? Is there a specific EOEditingContext I must use for this? I am stunned :-/

Thank you for helping

***  Walter Lo Nigro, Trieste, Italy  -  ***
***  Choral Activities, "G. Tartini" Conservatory, Trieste  ***
***  Freelance conductor, RiscOS/ROOL registered developer  ***

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