Why does my D2W app not localize its navigation? It ignores English.lproj/Localizable.strings file!
When I create an out-of-the-box new D2WTest app, everything is ok, localizations are picked up when I edit the .strings file. But my app refuses to read that file at all (or ignore its contents). Comparing both projects file by file reveals nothing
I have both files Localizable.strings and NavigationMenu.plist in utf-8 at the right place in the project setup.
name = Root;
children = ("TAB_ServiceStuff", "TAB_ProductStuff", "TAB_LookupLists", "TAB_EDocStuff", "TAB_EMRStuff");
/* ********************************************************************************************* */
name = "TAB_ServiceStuff";
children = ("TAB_Service", "TAB_ServiceStep", "TAB_ServiceType");
action = "session.navController.genericQueryAction";
/* ========================================================================================= */
name = "TAB_Service";
action = "session.navController.genericQueryAction";
name = "TAB_ServiceStep";
action = "session.navController.genericQueryAction";
name = "TAB_ServiceType";
action = "session.navController.genericQueryAction";
"Nav.TAB_ServiceStuff" = "Service";
"Nav.TAB_ProductStuff" = "Product";
"Nav.TAB_LookupLists" = "Lookups";
"Nav.TAB_EDocStuff" = "EDoc";
"Nav.TAB_EMRStuff" = "EMR";
"Nav.TAB_Service = "Service";
"Nav.TAB_ServiceStep = "Service Step";
"Nav.TAB_ServiceType = "Service Type";
"Nav.TAB_Product = "Product";
"Nav.TAB_EDocSurgeryContract" = "Surgery Contract";
"Nav.TAB_EDocSection" = "Section";
"Nav.TAB_EDocTextBlock" = "Text Block";
"Nav.TAB_EMRParam" = "Parameter";
"Nav.TAB_EMRParamAllergy" = "Allergy";
"Nav.TAB_EMRParamBodyComplaint" = "Body Complaint";
"Nav.TAB_EMRParamMedication" = "Medication";
"Nav.TAB_EMRParamOrgan" = "Organ";
"Nav.TAB_EMRParamPastMedicalHistory" = "Med. History";
"Nav.TAB_EMRParamReviewOfSystem" = "Review of System";
"Nav.TAB_EMRParamSocialHistory" = "Social History";
"Nav.TAB_EMRData" = "Data";
"ERD2W.advancedFindButtonLabel" = "Advanced...";
How do I debug this? Anything obvious I am missing (must be! It was a very long work week, though) ?